If you just want to give this a try, you can skip the technical section and go straight to Resolve. I’ll explain the (very) technical background why you can do that with log footage in the next section. Raw converters operate in linear light, which is the reason why you can adjust exposure after taking a picture. The goal of this article will be, to show you how you can build a setup around your S-Log footage, which mimics raw converters like “Adobe Camera Raw”. After some research in Sony’s S-Log whitepaper I was asking Andrew, the maintainer of MlRawViewer if it was possible to add various log curves, which ended up in a commit. My interest in logarithmic tone mapping started while I was working with 5D mark III raw footage via the Magic Lantern hack.

Downside: Exposure adjustment needed in post.I assume everyone interested in this toplic is capable of reading english. Alright, this will be the first of a series of "international" articles, therefore I'm writing in English.